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Liquid Nitrogen Cryocans

Liquid Nitrogen Cryocans

12000 INR/Piece

Product Details:


Liquid Nitrogen Cryocans Price And Quantity

  • 12000 INR/Piece
  • 12000.00 - 50000.00 INR/Piece
  • 1 Piece

Liquid Nitrogen Cryocans Trade Information

  • 20 Piece Per Month
  • 1 Week

Product Description

Our company is widely accredited for offering highly efficient Liquid Nitrogen Cryocans that are utilized for snap-freezing various food items such as patties, fruits, chicken and other eatables which are to be consumed off-season. The solution is available in tamper-proof cylindrical container that helps to store the liquid safely. It is highly acknowledged for its purity, accurate composition of its ingredients and effectiveness. The Liquid Nitrogen Cryocans has a very low rate of evaporation. Its applications also include in infertility clinics for cryopreservtion of semen for the process of arifical insemination and cryopreservation of stem cells and vaccines.
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  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
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